Filips House - St. George Delta |
| technique - oil on canvas | |
year 1993
33 cm X 46 cm
Another special painting / work, in his unique style of master Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara, painting / work with the name
''Filips House - St. George Delta'', made in the year 1993, as the realization technique used being technique
oil on canvas, having the dimensions of - 33 cm X 46 cm.
If you want to know more or buy this painting / work with the name
''Filips House - St. George Delta'', please contact us by phone or message using the contact form.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy watching this masterpiece of the master Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara.
"...There is a corner of a modest fisherman house from St. George Delta . The roof is made of bunches of reed, as hundreds of years ago. In front of the house, opossite the wall there is a small bench on you can see pots with flowers. A courtyard corner with a small flower bed which is revealed in its fight against the send. The window with its wood painted merry blue looks at us with its 2 glasspanes like 2 human eyes. Its like the house is a living person. We are expecting any moment to see apearing the fisherman, bandy-legged and strong, and his wife carrying a basket full of fishes. All is so intimate!..." This work of art is part of the heritage of Octavian-Eugen Sassu–Dusoara Foundation | Send message related to the work |
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