| technique - Chromodynamic (personal invention) | |
year 1995
50 cm X 75 cm
Another special painting / work, in his unique style of master Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara, painting / work with the name
''The Sacred Love – Tantra'', made in the year 1995, as the realization technique used being technique
Chromodynamic (personal invention), having the dimensions of - 50 cm X 75 cm.
If you want to know more or buy this painting / work with the name
''The Sacred Love – Tantra'', please contact us by phone or message using the contact form.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy watching this masterpiece of the master Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara.
"...In this painting we talk about one of the most important human problems, love is the one that unifies.
The artist proves a very good knowledge of the Indian vision about love. two elements, masculine - feminine are illustrated by:
1. the two filaments: ida - feminine and pingala - masculine, which interlock;
2. through the ling that penetrates a yoni and the range of violet breaks the idea of vulgarity ;
3. the symbol of the shell that leads us to the image of the snail as an androgynous being, but also to the idea of the shell, the casing of life, the body of the man who captures the spirit. .
Love in Indian and Eastern vision is a meditative act towards unity; the woman worships the man, the man worships the woman.
The is made between the feminine principle - maya and the masculine principle - brahman.
What really matters is not matter, profane love, this is just an illusion. There is the spirit that is reached through sacred love. (quoted from the Gospel of Thomas)..." oil-canvas | Send message related to the work |
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