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Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara

Octavian Eugen Sassu Ducşoara
About the master


Below you can read some of the many appreciations that the master Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara received during his entire activity, during many years from important personalities both from the country and from abroad.
  See important collecters of master`s works  
... " Personally, I am fairly convinced the theory of the crhomodynamic painting, founded and demonstrated by Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA, is a discovery with wide future prospects. I also believe that chromodynamic-effects based painting might become an independent genre in the visual arts of the third millenium, on whose threshold Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA`s discovery stands as an auspicious announcer. " ...
Catalog 1983, Bucharest

mister VASILE DRAGUT - Critic and historian of art , UNESCO appointed chairman for Tassili research
... " Here`s one of the best artists in the South - East Transylvanian painting " ...
Gazette of Transylvania, March 4-5, 1995

mister ION ITU - Critic of art, Member of the Romanian Writers Association, Member of the Romanian Proffesional Journalists Association, Associate Editor at Astra Magazine, PDG at Orientul Latin publishing house, President of Mihai Eminescu League, Member of the Romanian Association of Theatre and Music, Member of the Romanian Fine Arts Artists Association
... " Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA`s artistic reality stretches well beyond the boundaries of the visible space. It is an immaginative reality, misterious and evasive. The power of his art allows the consciousness to expand: mind and soul, both appropriate spaces the culture of the visible couldn`t wander. A stunning tension inflames the sensibility, and there is no doubt we`re born beyond the conventional, in a world governed by the myth. Reform is to be expected, and a fundamental one is concerning the very way we use to consider painting " ...
Catalog, 1978

mister ION ITU - Critic of art, Member of the Romanian Writers Association, Member of the Romanian Proffesional Journalists Association, Associate Editor at Astra Magazine, PDG at Orientul Latin publishing house, President of Mihai Eminescu League, Member of the Romanian Association of Theatre and Music, Member of the Romanian Fine Arts Artists Association
... " The artist Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA`s plastic creation reveals an exquisite power of expression and a sensitiveness of composition and colour. The landscapes are elaborated, having as source of inspiration mainly the area of Brasov, but not only. Both still-natures and flowers convey something from their author`s inner harmony to the onlooker. As a traveller to the Black Sea or in the Danube Delta, the artist was inspired by those places, painting Restful Sea, Root on the Shore of the Danube River, The Tomis Port. Octavian SASSU - DUCŞOARA hasn`t also excluded the portrait field, choosing his subjects from the members of Brasov`s �lite and from abroad. His complex artistic personality has guided himself to search answers for the fine art challenges throughout the chromodynamics, this own invention offering him the opportunity to play to all strings of the same instrument. The chromodynamics gave those meanings of the concret art and of the human existance colours to him. He does believe in light and shadow, in the sound of that art field. Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA has attaigned to that maturity of thoughts voiced as through contents, shape and colour. He has his roots here, in Romania, but I warmly declare that Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA is as good as any well-known West artist. " ...

mister TITUS N. HASDEU - Director of the Art Museum of Brasov
... " Initiatic painting could be thought of as a modality of acquiring knowledge. Initiation transcends the picturality and leads us to new fields of knowledge. Thus, the painting grants us accendence to metaphysics... The paintings have deep roots in the oiental cultural universe, especially the indic one. Let me mention just a few titles: Shiva - Shakti, the Lovers, that brings forward the message of the well - known duality between masculinity and feminity , designated as Purusha-Prakriti in Samkhia Yoga, as Brahman-maya, in the vedanta indian doctrine, or yin-yang, in the Chinese phylosophy; The Sacred Love, the Tantra, where the love is the way to unity, and is suggested by the wearing away of the shell that encloses the human soul); The Great Androgynous, where the serpent, the kundalini, the dormant energy, is awaked by bhakti, through devotion, and raises to the Spirit; The Supreme Initiation, with the six tattvas, the divine consciouness and the christian cross integrated in the anahata, the air, which is the first level following those pertaining to the animal world); The Tattva Transcendence (where the geometric symbols of the previous painting are taken over), The Steps of the Initiation); The Spiritual Ways and The Spiritual Ego or The Divine Spark (which could possibly be interpreted through the samsara theory of the reincarnation, through the maya theory of the veils that conceal God from the human knowledge, of the material darkness as contrasted to the spiritual light, or through the kosha theory, of the skeaths covering the universal body, Brahman). " ...
Gazette of Transylvania, January 6-7, 1996

mister MIRCEA ITU - Professor D. Tres honorable at the Sorbonne - Paris Professor D. at the Philology Institute of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest)
... " Acarya Octavian - Eugen SASSU - DUCŞOARA You have filled up our souls with this extraordinary chromodynamics initiatory painting: I`ve already felt being part of the third millenium and I` ve learnt many things from your experience. You have been lured by yoga, I have been lured by Vedanta theory. As practice, ascesis, yoga is the most important Indian darsan and Vedanta is the same for metaphysics. They join each other in mystic. I do believe our meeting is beneficial both for us and the others. Let it be that this meeting represent the foundation of an eternal friendship. In conclusion, the most beautiful sanskrit sentence: Ada, you are! I wish you the sky! Respectfully, " ...
The Impression Book, 1996

mister MIRCEA ITU - Professor D. Tres honorable at the Sorbonne - Paris Professor D. at the Philology Institute of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest)
... " At the ATELIER `35 Gallery, Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA makes proof of how fertile the association between art and science could be. The painter has long studied the colour behaviour, when exposed to programmed lighting, at variable intensity. Taking advantage, in a very inteligent way, of what he calls the chromodynamic painting effects, Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA is able to asign a multitude of chromatic identities to each of his paintings, by varying the colour of the light beam projected on a given wavelength colour that acts as a receiver. Stumping away, intensifying, vanishing to gradually reappear, as if coming from far away, the colours are built into his paintings before our very eyes , thus alluding to extremely interesting meanings " ...
Free Romania Magazine, August 18, 1983

mister DAN GRIGORESCU - Critic of art
... " However unwonted his experiment might seem Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA sends us in an universe offering us, mere terrestrians, sunrises, sunsets, moonrises, eclipses and northern lights towards which we are carried by the proven effects of the chromodinamic painting. Anyway, the demonstration using the chromodynamic apparatus tells us much more than any possible interpreter, be it a critic of art, or the artist himself. Excerpt from the opening speech " ...
From the opening word of the 1983 chromodynamics exhibition, Bucharest

mister HORIA HORSIA - Critic of art and writer
... " Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA`s exhibition at the ATELIER `35 Studio c/o ORIZONT Art Gallery in Bucharest inaugurates, in a very coherent, spectacular formula... built on solid esthetic and scientific grouds, a painting genre in which the canvas and the frame are nothing but a casual carrier for a light-and-colour show that is widely opened to the space. The author has called it chromodynamic painting, in an attempt to introduce an original vision, distinctly delimited on psycho-physical grounds. " ...
Luceafarul Magazine, August 6, 1983

mister CORNELIU ANTIM - Critic of art and writer
... " At the ATELIER `35 Gallery, Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA`s exhibition is to be bracket with the experiment: the paintings are displayed in chromodynamic conditions, by the means of an electronic device, and their author has the ambition and the merits of being the first one who proved the behaviour of the colours, their change or evanescence, when exposed to the controlled action of the red and blue colour. His exhibition is an authentic chromatic spectacle and, at the same time, an invitation to the showbiz people to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the chromodynamic painting. " ...

mister MIRCEA DEAC - Historian and critic of art
... " Thus, the image evolves before our eyes, like sprouting out of nothing, then reaches various stages of brilliance, to gradually set down in the end. In this way, with no chromatic brutality or vulgarity, pure graphic values, or romantic poetic evocations are obtained " ...
Impression book

mister DINU VASIU - Painter, critic of art
... " The painting exhibition housed by the Charlois Castle of Rotterdam in December 1997 - which I had the honour to open-might be the source of the answer. Please God ! For, beyond, its freshness and vigurous message in the sphere of art, this exhibition seems to be a true promise of ever more beautiful, ever more truthful, ever more and more, ever, in any case. " ...
Catalog 1997, Rotterdam, the castle Landhuis de Oliphant

mister MARIN BUHOARA - Ambassador of Romania in the Netherlands (1990 - 1998) Nowadays: Chairman of the European Security Service (Vienna - Austria)
... " Esteem and apprerciation for my teacher, Mr Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA, a complex artistic and intellectual personality, a high level initiated into the cognition of human being and existential perceptions. Thanks for his generosity shown as my teacher and mentor. God bless you with a long life in health, love, artistic filling and a better acknowledgement of a distinguished spirit you are, by the others. With respect , admiration and friendship " ...
Watercolor exhibition - Impression book

mister IOAN GHISE - Mayor of Brasov city
... " In a world that is burning, both strictly and figuratively, this exhibition is always an oasis where our souls, devastated by times so hostile, may still receive a draught of fresh air, and even an ounce of hope, generously detached from the love outstanding artist feels for life. " ...
Gazette of Transylvania A poem with flowers and landscapes

mister EDUARD HUIDAN - Member in the Board of Directors of the Romanian Writers Association, Member of the World Editors Forum, Member of the International News - paper Marketing Association, Member in the Board of Directors of the Romanian Editors Association, Member of the Romanian Proffesional Journalists Association, Nominee for WHO`S WHO IN THE WORLD - 1996, PDG at Gazeta de Transilvania newspaper.
... " I am grateful for the chance I have to present here, in Brasov, some of my paintings, in the presence of a few personalities from Israel, a country I am so found of. I wish - and I would be deeply honoured - to have one day the joy to inaugurate a personal exhibition in the land of Israel, for the culture and civilization of which I feel a deep and strong sympathy. For 10 years, I have been a staunch presence at the Jewish Temple, in spite of the dark times of the comunism. I have learned so much from this people of a civilization many times millenary. I took part in their holidays, I helped them prepare their traditional feasts, I enjoyed their tasteful specific dishes along with my friends. I drew very close to Jewish wisdom and spirituality. Just like us, the Jews have never been a people of conquerors, they have always strived to preserve their identity, in spite of the hard times they lived in Romania. I think myself to be strongly influenced by the splendour of Jewish art and religion. In the same context, Meir NITZAN ( Mayor of RishonLe - Zion city ) declares: This is an art manifestation of a very high level. The culture and art of Brasov have deep roots. We are open-hearted admirers of the spiritual treasures of this ancient town. I think there are a lot of points where the Romanian culture and that of my people are meeting. " ...
Gazette of Transylvania

Madam CRISTINA SERB - Columnist
... " The rich universe of the painter, originally constructed within the rigurous boundaries characterizing the solutions of composition, the searching of that rhythm which enlivens the elements of the world, all sustained by a thorough dosage of the lights, from shading to the most vigurous and intensive luminescence, all these are anticipating the art of the future. " ...
Chromodynamics - painting of spirituality Screen Store, January 20. - February 4, 1996

... " The artist doesn`t fear frights or nightmares, he gently welcomes the warm caress of the buildings, flowers, hills, trees, and water... of the whole Univers. " ...
Transylvania Express Magazine, March 7, 1995

mister ALEXANDRU TION - Critic of art
... " Before our eyes, one after another, paintings of different dimensions were disclosing their vivid colours, their charming attraction " ...
Screen Store Magazine, 10-16 avril 1995

mister DIMITRIE ROMAN - Journalist
... " His art needs no recomandation: the plein - air and the still-life, consisting of flowers, spare us of many legalized explanations. Born out of the harmony of forms and colours, their shiny gameout lasts firm and unshakable. The reciprocal caress of colours, forms and drawing joyfully playing together, allows us to read the poem of an artist to whom Muse nature inspired the poetry of painting " ...
The Impression Book of a Lyric

mister Andrea MARTON (SIPOS) - Critic of art
... " There was the image of a chain segment, metaphorically symbolising an aspect of our people`s life... Church domes and portals, next to closed shutters through which fresh blood was dropping, elements of traditional architecture together with red flowers symbolising sacrifice, endless fields on which haycocks and large blood spots were spread: real facts, yet eyes consciously closed " ...
From the history of the chain ASTRA Magazine no. April 4, 1990

Madam ANCA POPP - SCHEIRE - Critic of art
... " Now that the exhibition is about to be closed, I feel sorry for having to part from the chromodynamic painting demonstrations that stirred so much interest in our city. It is a pleasure for me to congratulate this gifted innovator, this perfect technician, for his efforts, for his unceasing successful work, for his exceptional talent " ...
Impression book, Exhibition 1978, House of Science and Technology for Youth

mister ALEXANDRU POPA - Manager of the CSTT, Prefect of Brasov city
... " I have always been deeply impressed by the scientific and artistic results my fellow-artist, Octavian SASSU-DUCŞOARA obtained through hard and steady work. " ...

mister LEONID ELAS - Critic of art and lecturer
... " During a recent trip to Transylvania I was very happy to have been able to purchase two etchings by this artist for my collection. I wish I had had more time to visit his gallery and view other works by him. I was very rushed but nevertheless was able to instantly see the quality of these etchings. " ...

Madam NANCY RODEN - M. Phil. And M. A. degrees in art history Columbia University , NYC Retired head , Catalogue of the Permanent Collection , Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC
... " I come frequently to Romania, and when I have the opportunity and money, I buy works of art ... Recently I went to Bran ... I think by chance, I saw an art gallery with your works! Now I am a happy “owner“ of 2 canvases ... I wanted to send my congratulations from France. " ...

mister JEAN-LUC MARECHAL - Master Engraver to the Public Mint of Paris - France
... " Dear Mr. Sassu - Ducşoara, I would like to share with you the joy that your paintings offer us daily, joy shared by the friend I offered in the gift “Narcissus“. The two landscapes have found their place in our modest home and are waiting for your company for other works of yours. Sincerely " ...

family OVIDIU SI SIMONA LACHE - Head od Antifruad Department ANAF – Brasov Professor and Prorector of „Transilvania” University - Brasov

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