!!! Atentie



Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara

Octavian Eugen Sassu Ducşoara
About the master

Our stores

We will meet you in our shops full of works, open every day of the year ! Octavian-Eugen Sassu-Ducşoara's works can be found for sale in the locations below. Also on the map you can see where the stores are located and when you click on the icons you will see the work schedule.

The creative workshop Brasov - b.dul Alexandru Vlahuta, nr.61, bl.140, sc.A, ap.21, Brasov, Brasov
Bran Galleries store - P-ţa I.G.Stoian, nr.3, langa Castelul Bran, Bran, Brasov

If you want a unique work to order such as exposed, landscapes from a favorite area or portraits or for more information and details about the works, please send us a message.

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created by aur29071982

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